For my project I would like to use the multi-select option of a drop-down search field of a datagrid, such that the user could select none, one, or more enumeration values. Also I would like to initially show all data. Then the user should be able to filter to his/her liking through the search fields.
The enumeration represents the months within a year, jan, feb, march, etc. The default value is not selected. The database contains both records with the month filled and without. The Xpath calls both records. However, the user does not see any data in the grid when the search field with the muli-select option is added. It does show data without and it does show data when the user had actively clicked away the empty selected box in order to view all data. This is because the first box is ticked, which seems empty, but is actually not empty (as in null). This does not feel intuitive to the user.
Still I would like to use this multi-select search option, and initially be able to view all data (no filter applied). Does anyone know how to solve this?
Thank you in advance!