Hi All,
I am getting an error while importing data from Database Replication Module:
java.sql.SQLException [SQL0104] Token <END-OF-STATEMENT> was not valid. Valid tokens: ( + - ? : DAY INF NAN NOT RID ROW.
When I check the query at the end its appending "AND". I guess it is causing error to occure. I Dont know from where this "AND" is getting added. I tried to give ";" end of query in where clause under settings of DB Replication. Still It didnot work. Can Any body faced same problem before?
Query in logs printed like this
Executing query on external database, query: SELECT max( "mainTable".CALENDAR_DATE) AS "ProcessingDate" FROM "CALENDAR" AS "mainTable" WHERE CALENDAR_DATE < (select PROCESSING_DATE from CLEARING_MEMBER) AND
When I added ";" it printed like this
Executing query on external database, query: SELECT max( "mainTable".CALENDAR_DATE) AS "ProcessingDate" FROM "CALENDAR" AS "mainTable" WHERE CALENDAR_DATE < (select PROCESSING_DATE from CLEARING_MEMBER); AND
How to get rid of "AND" ?
Thanks in advance.