Dear all, I am coding an autocorrect-functionality using the approach presented by Peter Norvig. In Python it runs only 10 words per second, hence it seems quite heavy. I would like to outsource the computations of known(), edits1(), edits2() functions to the database by using SQL's IN operator. Hence, I would like to use SQL-like queries freely in order to talk to the database, primarily the SQL's IN operator.
However, the only context where I can see SQL IN operator in use is OQL in Data Sets, which then are cul-de-sac for me, as I see no way to use them (Data Sets) back in a microflow.
- Is there any way to use complex database retrieves in Mendix? OQL suffices, but diverting its output to the report pages only is a horrible choice, I think.
- Data Sets referenced in microflows?
Thanks in advance.