I have been devloping on the free tier of the mendix cloud. But I am now thinking of moving on ahead. But I am very cofused of the pricing of the services. I have to let my clients know a price for their app in order for me to continue. I have checked the PIVITOL, IBM, and HP clouds, but i am still confused.
* The Pivitol does'nt have a price in their description, does that means it is free??
IBM BLUEMIX has a price;
But is this price for ther server cloud only? and is this per session or user? And it says 30 days free. So I have to pay the amount mentioned after 30 days I guess.
If so, where is the Mendix pricing? does that mean i have to pay the mendix pricing seperate? And I need to know this as it might pop up one day and ask me for payment.
* HP HELION, is more confusing.No pricing at all.
Most of all, I know that there is this MENDIX pricing;
So I am again confused. If I selected a CLOUD, say IBM. And then I have to pay MENDIX Pro price also? $1250.. ???
Can some one please point me in the correct direction?