Support ticket is resolved. The #015 and #011 characters in the log are a side effect of the new syslog program launched on Feb 22. This is a feature of the program and will not be changed.
Official reply of Mendix Support:
"Replacing ASCII control characters (127 and below 32, mostly invisible control characters, like ESC, backspace, etc) with a #XYZ is a side effect of switching to another syslog program that happened around the 22th of Feb. "
Original message:
Quite some of the rules in our server log seem to be appended with '#015'. Does anybody know what this means?
It happens in two different applications and i can't find any reference of this.
Feb 24 20:10:36.052 - WARNING - Lorem Ipsum: (1/2) blablablabla#015
This bug is most likely related to the new deployment environment, support ticket has been filed.
It also appears that lines often start with #011