I have a problem deserialising the JSON content from the Dutch KVK Search API.
I am able to GET the body info, (See below) but not able to deserialise it in my model.
Can someone please give me a push in the right direction ?
( I have tried the KVK Module in the APP Store, that one does not seem to work anymore)
Thanks !
The model:
The Flow:
The body info:
"apiVersion": "2.0",
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"data": {
"itemsPerPage": 10,
"startPage": 1,
"totalItems": 13,
"nextLink": "https://api.kvk.nl/api/v2/search/companies?q=mendix&user_key=XXXXXXXXXX&startPage=2",
"items": [
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"rsin": "814621570",
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"businessName": "Mendix Technology B.V.",
"shortBusinessName": "Mendix Technology B.V.",
"currentTradeNames": [
"Mendix Technology B.V."
"currentStatutoryNames": [
"Mendix Technology B.V."
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"Mendix B.V."
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"Mendix B.V."
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"Mendix Holding B.V."
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"Mendix International B.V."
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"Mendix International B.V."
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"Mendix B.V."
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"Testing Pros"
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"InShoring Pros Holding B.V."
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