Today we had to deploy a quickfix to a production environment caused by an error that was solved by Mendix in version 6.10.3 (Tickets 38219, 47089)
We migrated form a 6.10.2. version to a 6.10.4. version of Mendix that solved our problem.
In return we got another problem. A number of end-users can not login anymore.
Looking at the logs we see al lot of errors:
Invalid JSONRequest: JSONObject["hybrid"] not found. [User '925188' with session id '1379ad3f-0d7e-40e0-a057-f8301e70c154' and roles 'UserAdmin, UserEdit, ContractEigenaar, PortalManager, PublicatieManager']
I read in another post this is caused by caching.
Can this be solved at Mendix server/application side so that we don't have to notify all user for cleaning there browser cache?
Most of which don't even know what a browser cache is.
We have an on-premise implementation using iis.