We are using the IMAP_POP3 module to get e-mails from an external inbox. This works in general, but the client sends from there lotus notes emails on behalf of a teambox.
- userX@mail.com sends an e-mail on behalf of teambox@mail.com.
- When receiving the email via IMAP_POP3, the FROM is set to teambox@mail.com
- The teambox@mail.com can be found in the details (from) of the email (when selecting the details in the external inbox)
- The userX@mail.com can be found in the details (sender) of the email (when selecting the details in the external inbox)
- But..userX@mail.com (sender) is not set in EmailMessage entity when using the RetrieveEmailMessages java action
What can I do to set sender in the EmailMessage entity?
Any help appreciated!