I have a widget which is calling a microflow, getting an object back, and then it is attempting to get the value of one of the attributes of that object as follows (code snippet below):
mx.data.action({ params: { applyto: "selection", actionname: this.dataSourceMicroflow, guids: [ this._contextObj.getGuid() ] }, store: { caller: this.mxform }, callback: dojoLang.hitch(this, function (obj) { if(obj) { var beginTimeValue = obj.get("Start");
And at this line in the code I get a JavaScript error: 'obj.get is not a function'. I can see that at this point 'obj' does exist, it is a Mendix object of the type I expect, it is not empty, and in the prototype it does in fact have a definition for a get() function that takes one argument. This is probably something stupid and obvious, but I can't quite figure it out.
I should also note that this code works at least as of Mendix 6.10.2, but not now in Mendix 7. Perhaps I missed something about deprecated functionality or such. Any thoughts?