Good morning/afternoon.
We are trying to create an app which can make a multiple choice quiz and a student being able to actually do this quiz. As we have only been introduced to Mendix a few month ago you can imagine the struggles we have been through. Now here is the problem: We can not get the option of the student to actually make the quiz to work. The quiz is made, but there is no interface for the student to select a multiple choice option etc. A little part (the necesseties to show to get a little bit of an idea) that we have is this:
(Ability to make a quiz) Top to bottom: Class, Activation date, Name, Activate quiz (yes or no), create date.
(Our current domein model)
Quiz has, activation date, Name, Quiz activate, create date)
Which had a connection to vak (class) which contains the name and the enrollment_key. But it also has a connection to score (Not really of use as we can not get people to actually make a quiz)
and a connections with Vraag which is 'question'. Which ofcourse, contains answers.
Here you can see how the question is filled in:
And how the answers are filled in:
Here you can see that we can actually create an app with questions and weither the answer is correct. (it says: answer , Correct or incorrect and Question)
But we can't get the actual answering of the questions in the quiz and the mechanics through the usage of a microflow of some that you go through to the next question or that it shows you how you did. For now I just want to get the fact that we can actually make a quiz done, so if it not shows you how you did that's fine. That's the main part that we are stuck on.
If someone is able to help us out please let me know. I hope I put it on the right category...
If you need more information let me know, it's kind of a waste of my time to start copypasting everything in and translating if no one answers! ( I can post everything we have microflows, pages, settings )
I have anyone can be of assistance, even if it's a little because we are completely lost.
Jack Teuthof & Mendix ALE03