Hi guys
When I am trying to login into our app with my Mx account I get this error in Production and local environment but not in Acceptance (I get logged in there with same Mx account):
openid.mode:error openid.error:0x301: Realm verification failed (9) for: http://localhost:8080/openid/callback openid.ns:http://specs.openid.net/auth/2.0
Try again or contact support@mendix.com if this problem persists
When debugging the AppCloudServices I see this remarkable logging:
Found local discovery of RP return_url endpoint.
What I already tried and didnt work out were:
- delete cache and try again
- reinviting to the project by Technical Contact
Furthermore, the app makes use of Saml 2.0 (which to my expectance has no role in this issue).
It seems like a conflict in openID handling in Mendix to me....
Anyone an idea how this problem is caused or could be traced/solved ?