How can I hide the text field available for typing the date in the default datepicker widget? I only want the calendar button to be visible.
Note: I posted this question two days ago, and I received an answer from Jeffrey Draaijer; however, unfortunately his solution did not work for me (or I did not apply it correctly), then I deleted the question. Coming to think of it today I figured it's better to post the question and the suggested solution just for reference.
Jeffrey Draaijer's suggested solution:
"You can add the following to a custom.scss file and compile that in the Mendix project:
.mx-grid-search-item {
.mx-grid-search-input {
width: auto;
.mx-dateinput-input-wrapper {
display: none;
The width attribute in the mx-grid-search-input class will give the search item the width of only the label and the button.
The display none attribute mx-dateinput-input-wrapper class will hide the input field.
Hope this helps."