I have changed floats to decimals in my domain model, I specified "1,0" as default value for attribute Bedrag. Now I get this error. Debugger shows that $IteratorPost/Bedrag (its type decimal) is "empty", very strange...
any suggestions? Should I test on empty on any test with decimals???????
com.mendix.modules.microflowengine.MicroflowException: Failed to evaluate expression, error occurred on line 1, character 1
$IteratorPost/Bedrag > 1 and $IteratorPost/N_Subposten = 0
at MJOB1.IVK_check_subposten.nested.e2e731a9-e1c2-4977-9cad-db3f24f5083f [44 of 45] (Gateway : '')
at MJOB1.IVK_check_subposten (NestedLoopedMicroflow : '')
Advanced stacktrace:
at com.mendix.languages.mxexpressions.MxExpression.evaluate(MxExpression.scala:17)