Hello here,
I'm new to Mendix and doing some experimentation with my first Application - a simple HelpDesk Request management system.
The idea being that a user opens a page to create a new request. Fills out some data - username, phone number etc. and a new request is created. So far so good. Aside from storing details of the Request in various tables, I also have a table which stores the possible Status a request may have - New, In Progress, Completed and so on. Obviously, I want new logged Requests to be created with the Status of New.
I couldn't find a way to set the Entity Selector to do this for me by default, to avoid the user from having to select the New option. Is this true - can this not be done via the form directly?
Next I tried creating a Microflow, to override the standard Save button on the form. On the form is an invisible Entity Selector for the RequestStatus
So my actions are:
- Retrieve RequestStatus from the form via the Association (a null value at this stage, as the user hasn't selected a value)
- Change Object - update RequestStatus(StatusName) to 'New'
- Commit the new Request Object to the database
- Close the form
The Microflow fails at runtime with the error:
com.mendix.modules.microflowengine.MicroflowException: requirement failed: Change object 'RequestStatus' should not be null
at RequestManagement.SaveNewRequest (Change : 'Change 'RequestStatus' (StatusName)')
So I seem to be stuck, as I can't seem to update the Status without it being set first, which is exactly what I was hoping I would be able to do from the form!
It seems like such a simple thing and I'm sure there are lots of ways to achieve this.
Any ideas for me?
Many thanks,