I don't seem to be able to custom style the List Style Widget.
In the documentation is says the following can be overwritten:
- Styling base class is .widget-listview-swipe
- Default style, could be overwritten in CSS:
- The 'widget-listview-swipe-foreground' will be white #FFFFF
- The 'widget-listview-swipe-background' will be light light gray #d3d3d3
- The 'widget-listview-swipe-background-after' will be gray #808080
- Custom style applied to the .mx-listview-item ar normal
- Custom style to all swipe widget could also be applied to:
- .widget-listview-swipe-foreground
- .widget-listview-swipe-background-left
- .widget-listview-swipe-background-right
- .widget-listview-swipe-background-shared
- .widget-listview-swipe-background-after-left
- .widget-listview-swipe-background-after-right
- .widget-listview-swipe-background-after-shared
- Interactive classes
- .will-accept-swipe
- .swiping-right
- .swiping-left
In my <app folder>\theme\styles\css\custom\custom.css I have the following entry:
.widget-listview-swipe-foreground {
background-color: #C4DFFC;
However it doesn't seem to have taken affect when I inspect the styling:
Does anyone know where I'm going wrong?
Thanks in advance.