Following the REST tutorial, I found that spotify's searchAPI now needs authentication. I have a working curl-call "curl -X "POST" -H "Authorization: Basic MDY3ZTA5YWQ1YjAwNDM5NjkxNTFjYjZkOWUxM2E4NmY6ZTAxODhlYjMwMzRkNGMxNmI5YmRjNmNhZTFhMGJmZjA=" -d grant_type=client_credentials" which is giving me the access_token that I need. But I want Mendix to do the same, but in a RESTcall-action. Having set everything as I think it should be, the action fails with "400 Bad request" See the microflow in this modelshare for the action that fails: Call REST for access_token Can anyone tell me what is wrong?