We're trying to use SSO for our application. We've loaded the module and configured with metadata. The application starts up and runs for while and then errors out (shuts down). We cannot start it again. Error in log:
Oct 18 14:49:06.010 - INFO - SAML_SSO: Loading urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol metadata from /srv/cloud/slots/tr10000/deploy/data/tmp/saml_IdPFile1508356146009.xml
Oct 18 14:49:06.304 - CRITICAL - ActionManager: Error in execution of monitored action '{"name":"SAML20.Startup","type":"Microflow"}' (execution id: e8129278-4b1b-4cfb-93e9-326ca87b8e54, execution type: CUSTOM)
Oct 18 14:49:06.307 - CRITICAL - ActionManager: (1/55) java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils.sha1Hex([B)Ljava/lang/String;
Oct 18 14:49:06.307 - CRITICAL - ActionManager: (2/55) #011at saml20.implementation.security.SecurityHelper.addAllToKeyStore(SecurityHelper.java:289) Anyone know what could be causing this? We have other apps using SSO and they run just fine.