Hi. After upgrading from 6 to 7 all my java Actions have the following errors. is this change correct? 1. getContext(), must be changed to context() ??? 2. @Override in my toString which all my JavaActions had. must be removed??? 3. All the classed show error: The hierarchy of the type xxx is inconsistent just a sample java action class with the errors. public class VerifyPassword extends CustomJavaAction { private java.lang.String userName; private java.lang.String password; public VerifyPassword(IContext context, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String password) { super(context); this.userName = userName; this.password = password; } @Override public java.lang.Boolean executeAction() throws Exception { // BEGIN USER CODE IUser user = Core.getUser(getContext(), userName); return user != null && Core.authenticate(getContext(), user, password); seem i need to change to IUser user = Core.getUser(context(), userName); return user != null && Core.authenticate(context(), user, password); // END USER CODE } /** * Returns a string representation of this action */ @Override ?? not happy with the override anymore public java.lang.String toString() { return "VerifyPassword"; } // BEGIN EXTRA CODE // END EXTRA CODE }