I'm in the process of creating a new Mendix widget based on the jQuery plugin 'Fancytree'. According to the post below it should not be a problem using jQuery 3.1.0.
However when i try to build my application or check my widgets via Mendix I get the following Dojo build errors:
error(311) Missing dependency. module: GapplessFancytree/lib/jquery-ui; dependency: jquery
error(311) Missing dependency. module: GapplessFancytree/lib/jquery.fancytree-all.min; dependency: jquery
error(311) Missing dependency. module: GapplessFancytree/lib/jquery.fancytree.buttonbar; dependency: jquery
I don't know if it has anything to do with using jQuery 3.0.1. I tried to test with other jQuery versions but it seems the plugin doesn't like that.
How can i solve my build errors?
], function gftwidgetWrapper(declare, _WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin, dom, dojoDom, dojoProp, dojoGeometry, dojoClass, dojoStyle, dojoConstruct, dojoArray, dojoLang, dojoText, dojoHtml, dojoEvent, widgetTemplate, mxdbhelper, _promisePolyfill, _jQuery, _jQueryUi, _fancytree, _fancytreeext_buttonbar) { "use strict";
// make a local reference from $ to the jQuery object
// This avoids the risk of working with an overwritten jquery library by another plugin
// also Unlink jQuery and $ from the global scope
var $ = jQuery.noConflict(true);