Execute query error
Please help me, how to get data from our default database using execute queryi wrote like this in excetute query:jbdc url: 'jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/'username: 'SA'password: ''custom expression:...
View ArticleExplicitly constraining listview by date
I have a use case where i need to explicitly contrain a listview by a given date. I tried putting an XPath contraint with the date in the proper format, but it gives me 0 results even though I know...
View ArticleHow to get data from our default database in mendix
Please help me, how to get data from our default database in mendix using execute query
View ArticleCalling a Web Service with no strong-typed definition (Mixed / Any)
We're finding difficulties at calling a web service with an open contract definition:<s:element name="processRequestsAsDOM"><s:complexType><s:sequence><s:element minOccurs="0"...
View ArticleCrash after deploy
I keep hgetting this error in de sandbox, no clear reason. Removed and reinstalled the module coudservices: I have no clue how to go further... P INFO apr 21, 2017 2:21:45 PM...
View Articletraining management project resources for introduction course
Hi, I following the online introduction course which uses the Training Management project. During the course you need to import resource packages from the resource tab.However, I can't find these .mpk...
View ArticleData grid extnesion (Flex headers) error
I am trying to use the Data grid extnesion (Flex headers) widget but I get this error when I run the application: "No constructor found for widget DataGridExtension.widget.DataGridExtensionNoContext"...
View ArticleInvalid UTF-8 start byte (published web service with Mendix, consumed with...
I've upload a web service that has something that inherits system$filedocument as input (list). When calling the web service I get the error below.I debugged the soap request and that looks just fine....
View ArticleIoT Integration| SimpleLink Bluetooth low energy/Multi-standard SensorTag
Afther folowing the Mendix Pre-sales training, I'm trying to connect the IoT SimpleLink (http://www.ti.com/tool/cc2650stk) to an unlicensed Mendix application. The SimpleLink sensor sends it's data via...
View Articleerror view
Hi,In the office i use 2 screens attached to a laptop. At home i only work on a laptop.When i do a view error list or view changes these views don't show up. maybe they will be seen on other screen...
View ArticleUpgraded 7.1.1 - Filename issue with download of generated document
I just upgraded one of my apps to 7.1.1. Worked through all the compile errors and got the app to run. Now on a few of my generate documents and then download file type microflows, the filename i set...
View ArticleSome weird changes in the Java code
I am workin in a model and when trying to run the model I suddenly get a java error code that a compilation failed. So I started Eclipse and this is what I found.It complained about not finding...
View ArticleMaking an entity unique to a specific user (For the stock keeping of product...
Using the simple domain model showed below what do I need to do to make sure that when user 1 enters a product to his stock user 2 won’t see the exact same product in his stock?I'm sure this should be...
View ArticleImport Self Signed Certificate on Mendix Console
Good DayI need to call a webservice that has a self signed certificate, and need help on how to inport the untrusted certificate into the mednix console, I am currently getting this error HTTP...
View ArticleTreeView 4.4 in Mendix 7.1 gives error with applyContext
I've configured the simplest possible example of a treeview and I get an error when viewing the console in Chrome: mxui.js?636284724564508753:formatted:7571 Error:...
View ArticlePivot Table Widget w/ 7.1.1
I'm getting this error in the console and the widget is not displaying at all:
View ArticleUpgrade project automatically via command line
Hi,Is there a way in which i can upgrade a project automatically using something like a command line. I have a set of projects, probably about 7 in total, which i want to upgrade to the latest version...
View ArticleRest Services - Anonymous User
Getting the below error while accessing the mendix rest web services.UNAUTHORIZED: GET validate Unauthorized. Please provide valid credentials or set up a Mendix user sessionError code: UNAUTHORIZED
View ArticleStyling - Hover icons for dashboard
Hi there,I have 2 simple questions about using custom images for theming purposes.I have created a theme for our application, where i have defined custom urls for the :hover of some dashboard images....
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