RestServices - Body from form-data POST action
I'm testing a microflow where I submit a file using the POST java function as form-data.For debug purposes i would like to see what form-data is send in the request, but the RestConsume logging only...
View ArticleRefresh object in the browser without using a session
We have a challanging situation where the user has a counter of unread messages. This is saved in the account object and shown in the navigation layout. Because the navigation layout gets cached, the...
View ArticleTesting microflow diff tool
Hi everyone, We are developing a diff tool for compare different Mendix revisions. Our ambition is to compare many aspects of Mendix application: microflow, domain model, security, form, widget...
View ArticleXML Schema - ref tag not supported in export mappings
I have an XSD file that is generating a warning when I try to create an XML schema in the Modeler. The error message is as follows:Type of element...
View ArticleXML Schema - Element Not Supported in Export Mappings
I have an XSD schema for an invoice that has several elements that give me errors when trying to create an XML schema in the Modeler. I've included one example at the end of this posting. The error...
View ArticleHow to use attribute of type Decimal in PivotDataWidget
Input for my Pivot Table is an entity with 3 attributes: Period, Time and Usage.Type of attribute Usage = Decimal.In the configuration of the PivotDataWidget X-Axis attribute = Period and Y-axis...
View ArticlePerformance in Mendix 6
Hi Team, We observed that Performance in mendix 6(6.7.1) is comparitively slower than that of mendix 4.7.1.Did anyone else also facing the same issue?Any pointers would be appreciated. Regards,Swathi
View ArticleHow to use Chartjs to create reports?
Hi,In my application I want to create some reports. For that, I used the default reports which are provided by our mendix modeler. Now I don't want that reports. Beacause I am facing an issue with them...
View ArticleJoint the Community Expert Meeting : Widget Edition, 1st of June
There are a still a view last seats available, so join us! Get feedback on your own widget code.Community Expert Meeting : Widget EditionAs MVP widget group, we are organizing a Community Expert...
View ArticleSharepoint integration with Mendix
Is there any documentation for sharepoint/opentext integration with Mendix? If yes can you please guide/provide me with the links?
View ArticleDb connector error
Hi im trying to do a simple select statement using db connect tool. jdbc url im using is : 'jdbc:sqlserver://dausql21:50709;DatabaseName=EDW' sql query : 'Select DateStart from...
View Articledb connector error
Hi guys I trying to run asimple query using db connector from appstore : I get the following error------------------------------------------An error has occurred while handling the request. [User...
View Articlefileupload saveDocument cancel?
I'm currently creating a widget and i'm using the saveDocument function I have a few questions.- is it possible to cancel the function...
View ArticleTriggering a refresh in the client of another user
I've just spent some time trying to find a solution to an interesting problem a colleague of mine had (See this post: summary; we want to trigger...
View ArticleDeeplink with Safari private mode (both iphone and mac)
It looks like deeplinks don't work when Safari is in private mode.Can anyone please confirm and make sure it will be fixed?
View ArticleCustom login page with "Remember me" functionality
Hello everyone!I'm trying to create a custom login page with a "remember me" option for a mobile app that I'm building. To that effect, I'd like to know if any of you have accomplished this in the...
View ArticleMendix SDK failed to open new online working copy
Hi everyone, We are trying to use Mendix SDK to open a Mendix application. Everything works fine in Mendix <=7.1.0However, when we open Mendix application in Mx7.3.0, there is error:"Failed to open...
View ArticleDataBase replication module question
Hi guys , Im trying to get data from an external DB on a 2012 sql server environmentI know that this module only caters for ms 2005 and 2008 Is there any way i can manipulate the execute query to parse...
View ArticleUnable to connect mssql through db replication
I am trying to connect mssql through db replication,but it is showing invalid port no,though i had given the correct port no
View ArticleShopping cart
Hi Mendix Users,I recently started using Mendix and I'm working on a shopping cart for our ordersystem. My current shoppingcartpage uses the orderline database as its datasource.My problem is that all...
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