Domain model question
hi guys,I am trying to show supplier a button in a list view of requests, based on the fact whether he/she has sent offer(s) to this request. What i do now is calculating for each listitem whether a...
View ArticleDisplaying data in datagrid from two entities having one-one relaltion
Hi, I want to display data in datagrid from two entities. These two entities are related via one to one relation ship.for exp: Student ( name, age, gender) and Address ( street, city, state, country) I...
View ArticleUser input dialog - how to select from a list/passing reference of object
Hello,I'm stuck on a seemingly simple task - this is what I'm trying to achieve: A user working on a tender should be able to populate a text from a template. User working on a tender click on button...
View ArticleDisplay patients with the same caregroup as a coordinator (current user)
Hello,I have a question relating a problem about our mendix module. We have 3 roles, a doctor, a administrator (which is not the overall admin) and a coordinator. We managed to use some microflows in...
View ArticleAdd products to customer list from another list
I have an administrative staff, account manager and customer. The administrative staff creates a new customer. After this, the administrative staff selects an account manager for the customer. Based on...
View ArticleBootstrapDatePicker Widget
We use the BootstrapDatePicker widget to disable certain days (saturday/sunday) in the datepicker. Would it be possible to change the widget such that the disabled days are based on an attribute (that...
View ArticleIs it possible to search for datagrids with a certain selection mode?
Hello,For a Mendix project I want to change all data grids with simple multi-selection to multi-selection. Is it possible to search for all data grids with this selection mode configured? Or is there...
View ArticleNew at Mendix, trying to create a mail form-like function.
Hi,I've been following the free courses and created some pages with data and now know how to set up the basics and filter stuff. I set a goal for myself to get an application working where you have a...
View ArticleHow can I import data into Mendix similar to Liquibase?
I have a few domain objects that I would like to load data into when the Mendix server starts. I would like to use something like Liquibase that will track the insert statements and enable me to...
View ArticleInvalid property encountered on "fo:block"
Printing mails from my inbox via a document template (xhtml on the message is 'on'). Most of these prints are successfull. However every now and then there is one that cannot be printed at all. Error:...
View ArticleDigest Http Authentication
Is there a way to use digest authentication on webservices within mendix? i am on the consuming side of a webservice that is using Digest on authentication.Kind regards, Rob vd Berg
View ArticleUncaught Error: Validate values using validator#validate(value, attr) before...
Certain floats/decimals won't save in Mendix 6.Consider the following JS console output when setting a decimal values:> obj.set(this.valueAttr, Math.fround(value / this.calcNumber)); The error I get...
View ArticleRetrieve Entity Offline
Hi everyone,We have an offine app and are creating a widget. We have difficulty in retrieve objects from datasource. Let's say, in the model, we have Entity1 (1)------->(*) Entity2 My questions...
View ArticleCan't consume mendix web service if entity is specialization
Hi all,I'm experimenting with consuming and exposing web services. I have two Mendix projects: one exposes a web service, the other consumes the same web service. The web service has a single operation...
View ArticleMissing classes sun and com.sun
We have mendix and an external java library working in Mendix 4 perfectly.Trying to upgrade to mendix 5, using the same library and getting sun.util.calendar.ZoneInfo not foundFound this. After or...
View Articleuxmanipulator modeler 6.4.1
I've just upgraded to 6.4.1 and the uxmanipulator widget appears to be causing problems. I get a blank page when starting the app unless I remove uxmanipulator.Does anyone know of a widget that...
View Articlecss nested tab container
I am trying to change the color of my nested tab container. I'd also like to show a different color for the active main tab and the active nested tab.I've tried the below to achieve the color of all...
View ArticleCan a radio button be placed in a data grid??
Hi group,I have scenario where, in a data grid I should make a column as editable to show a radio button (For eg: Yes or No). Is this possible in a data grid?
View ArticleAccessing Device/Desktop camera to capture user image and uploading
Hi,I am having requirement to store the user information like name, age, gender, unique id and user image. User image need to be captured from the attached camera to the desktop and I mush show preview...
View ArticleRestore mendix database.
I have read a forum post that we can restore database using a script. Can anyone help, how could we do this in mendix?
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