REST Services module: problem with parameter name for binary data in POST...
I would like to call an OCR API that expects a HTTP POST with the image to be processed in the request body .When sending the request with the REST client, everything works...
View ArticleOpening an Page from a widget, and refreshing Parent
Hello Community, I'm faced with an interesting challenge, my client wants formB (dataview entity-entityB) displayed by an action from a mywidgetA on formA (dataview entity - entityA), on saving...
View Articleupdate css domnode without graphical glitching
when you force domnode update with something like $('#'+this.str_id).attr("href",this.str_endpoint+new Date().getTime()); it results in violent shaking of the pageis there perhaps a more gracefull way...
View ArticleDrop Zone widget
Hi Team,I have a drop zone for multiple file uploading. When I am running in sandbox, dropzone widget user interface is changing when I compare to run locally. For example, if I upload 3 docs, then...
View ArticleMendix Widget Build Fails on Dojo i18n
Why does the Mendix modeler dependency check failing, while this code runs fine?define([ "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/i18n!widgets/MyWidget/widget/nls/messages.js" ], function (declare, localMessages) {...
View ArticleContext Menu Widget: Template Grids and Non Persistable entities
The context menu widget is very cool, thanks.It seems to work on a datagrid, not a template grid. Is there a solution existant for template grids or do i have to modify the widget?It does not seem to...
View ArticleBest practice cross-application styling
In our project, we have some custom CSS used in multiple applications and some is application-specific. We use SCSS and grunt/gulp to compile it to CSS.However, it's pretty cumbersome when changes are...
View Articlemicroflow show message
Hi,We have a microflow with more than one "show message" actions (first an info and then an error if triggered), when we run the microflow and it gets to the error message, the messages show up but in...
View ArticleDisabled during action on action buttons
Hi,Very happy to see that there's a solution to prevent double clicks on action buttons when you want to avoid micro flows running twice or more ("disabled during action: Yes/No").Unfortunately this...
View ArticleSDK - position MicroflowObjects in Microflow
How do I position things in microflows? I am able to create an InputParameter, StartEvent, EndEvent and three CreateVariable activities, and the proper SequenceFlows between them, however, they are all...
View Articlecss for form control doesn't work for reference selector
Hello,I have edited the form-control.scss file to change the position of the label for inputs. .form-control { /* Styles here */ margin-top:-12px; }This as the effect that I want on text-boxes and drop...
View ArticleAttribute length
Hi, is there any way to set the length of the attribute not less than some number? E.G. in my project there is an requirement where they want the attribute to be integer as well as the length should...
View ArticleSprintr SSL error?; Your connection is not privateAttackers might be trying to steal your information from (for example, passwords, messages or...
View ArticleUnable to start-up the Mendix project from Eclipse
Hi, I followed the steps from : But when i try it to launch from eclipse i m getting following error:Error: Could not find or load main class...
View ArticleEmail Template
Hi,I am working on a project where I need to send an email template to parent email after clicking a button .The selected record has a parent email column which is association with another entity whose...
View ArticleThe target page contains a data view that needs an object of type xxxx, which...
I just started to learn about mendix but when i give any page in navigation it shows me " The target page contains a data view that needs an object of type xxxx, which is not passed "...
View ArticleAfter upgrade Simple Chart, my lines are no longer lines
For each data selection all my dots are connected in stead of showing a simple line. Anyone with the same problems?
View ArticleTask Assignment to group of users at a single point of time.
Hi ,I have a scenario where i have to assign a task to multiple users belong to same user role at a single point of time . Same task has to be assigned to all the users and should be displayed in all...
View ArticleHow to create a list in Mendix 6.4.0
hey guys! i would like to know how to create a list on items e.g the restaurant food menu items and how to edit it
View ArticleCalendar widget - Global Identifier Empty
I have just installed the calendar widget into a project but when accessing it I get the following error:An error has occurred while handling the request. [User 'MxAdmin' with session id...
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