how to suppress Exchange client (app store) generating log messages
We are using the Exchange client app store module for quite some time now. Recently the Exchange server was replaced and NTLM was activated (and so was the option the in the module). The integration...
View ArticleError creating account using MxAdmin
Hi Team,We are facing problem while creating an user using MxAdmin credentials.Any pointers would be appreciated.Below is the attached stacktrace: com.mendix.core.CoreRuntimeException:...
View ArticleModule update deletes reference tables
Hi everyone, I'm currently updating the Process Queue module in one of our projects. We have a couple of references that go from ProcessQueue.QueuedAction to other objects in our application....
View ArticleTypeError: Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of null
I have a strange issue on a test environment in the mendix cloud. When a user has a certain user role, the client won't startup at all. Instead I see a script Error:TypeError: Cannot read property...
View ArticleIssues with iOS 11
Hi, I have a problem with the new version of phonegap. I made a new phonegap package and changed the files config.xml and index.html. But when app is installed on new version of iOS 11 version, the app...
View ArticleIs there a way to assign a label to a task in story on developer portal?
Adding labels to stories seems like a useful way to do things like assign them to developers. The tasks under a story seem to have a place to display labels, but no way to add labels. Am I missing...
View Articlexmlns:xml is secretly added in outgoing SOAP call
Hi, I currently have a project in version 5.21.4 and experience an issue with outgoing webservice calls. I am consuming a third party webservice and mendix is adding...
View ArticleMultiplication and Arithmetic Operation
I would like to know about " What is the place or options to insert expression for doing arithmetic Operations.
View ArticleError Correction
parameters of the selected Microflow do not match available arguments,in the microflow i have added multiple arguments for calculation purpose.. that is to get values from several entities..
View ArticleMxObject_Overview page not responding (showing error message).!
I have downloaded Mx Model Reflection ,E-mail module with templates and Encryption modules from App StoreIn security I have chosen prototype/demo and given Administrator name as mendix with my...
View connector login url
Hi There,The documentation for the connector indicates the following examples for the constant for the LoginURL: or...
View ArticleRetrieving a sorted list over the association of a NPE results unsorted list
Hi guys, I am sorting objects based on a number and set is as a sorted list to the (many to many ) association between the helper and objects. (helper *->* object).When showing a template grid over...
View ArticleGet Branch Automation with Bamboo
Hello,We're trying to automate the creation of packages and the deployment of those using Atlassian Bamboo and the Mendix Deploy API.The automation was working fine until we had to create branches and...
View ArticleAudit trail- duplicate entries
Hi Everyone,I am trying to implement Audit Trail functionality but running to one problem. Everytime duplicate entires are created on the left panel (Log table). For example i have made one edit on my...
View ArticleLinkedin profile
About linkedin profile retrieval app.You mention that this App does not function with the Mendix Cloud environment. Is it an option to make it function in the cloud or is there some technical problem?
View ArticleDemo users not working anymore since 7.6 on Sandbox?
The demo user functionality seems to be broken since Mendix 7.6. When clicking on a user in the demo user menu on the right side in my Sandbox environment nothing happens. The log says that the demo...
View ArticleExtend Fiori application
Is there an possibility to extend an application written in SAPUI5 (Fiori) with Mendix? Or do I have to rebuild the whole application in Mendix to achieve this?If this isn't possible, now with the...
View ArticleSession removal not working for a user role
Hi all,With our application we encounter a problem with the automatic session removal from Mendix. Our settings are such that after 30 minutes of inactivity, the session gets marked for removal. Though...
View ArticleExcel importer not working in 7.5.1?
Hi, just imported the latest Excel importer from the appstore in my 7.5.1 app. Did clean my deployment directory... I get a java compile error: Buildfile: C:\Users\spl\Documents\Mendix\Schedule...
View ArticleHow to use tortoise SVN to resolve conflicts
hi i comited my project to team server it is showing that use tortaise resolver SVN to resolve conflicts. but application running fine with out errors. how to remove conflicts and commite mycode.
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