How to have auto increment feature for primary key like MySQl.
I have an integer datatype primary key and everytime user adds a record from a screen primary key value should be generated
View ArticleLogout without redirecting to login
How do I end a user’s session from a microflow/Java action without redirecting them to the login page of the application? Basically I want, upon sending of a ‘change email’ confirmation link, for...
View ArticleDoes the mapping of a webservice listen to the entity access of the microflow...
Hi there community, I'm building a webservice to transfer data from one environment to another. Same model other customer, so the model will publish and consume. To keep in mind Now, it is a bit...
View ArticleCommunity Profile Update
Hi Guys/Gals,As some of you may have noticed, the new designs for “community profile have gone live” Let us know what you like about it or what you mis from the older profiles. Also if there are any...
View ArticleHow to do CSS page styling on data driven event
Hi All,I want to develop a page where a container within the page will have a different background colour (and perhaps other CSS styling) when a certain event occurs. The idea is to highlight to the...
View ArticleCustom SASS
Hi,Ive posted quite a lot trying to teach myself how to edit my themes SASS files, but i think to learn i think i just need someone to show me what to do. I understand the premise, i've made a few very...
View ArticleWhere to find Java action 'Any Object' in Mendix 7?
Hi, I am currently rebuilding the Random Data Generator ( for testing purposes. I'm now focusing on rebuilding the Java actions. The Data Generator uses...
View ArticleData grid by Xpath : Response JSON is empty
Not knowing why an application throws the message "Data grid by Xpath : Response JSON is empty" as a pop-up when retrieving an entity. Previosly this workend fine and I have no idea what causes this...
View ArticleThe habit of unit testing in a Mendix environment
Having worked as a software test (automation) consultant on various development environments for the last five years, and having (very) recently made a move to the world of Mendix, I can't help to get...
View ArticleFile Upload validation
Hi all,How can I have a red border and a validation message below a file manager widget? I tried all the attributes, but I always get the validation message in a pop up (which I am assuming happens...
View ArticleValidation messages not shown to user
I am applying some basic validation to an app.I have applied it via the Domain Model, by double-clicking on the Entities within it.I’ve added, for example, ‘Required’ and a meaningful error...
View ArticleV7 reference set selector - via selectform - discrepancy
We are converting an existing App into V7. In general without to many problems, but I ran into some issues.I have a reference set selector, which uses a SELECT form with simple-multiselect set to...
View ArticleDecrypt text in SQL Server, which was encrypted by...
Hello All, We have a Mendix app that is using the CommunityCommons.EncryptString to encrypt some customer data that we need to decrypt in SSRS for reporting purposes. I found this string below, but...
View Articleshow different colors for table of contents based on validation errors
Hi team,Am using Mendix 6.7.1 version and this shows count of validation messages+color on the tab header (by default) if we add any validation feedback activities in those tab entity forms. I want to...
View ArticleOffline search grid Connector error
Hi all,We want to implement the Offline Search Grid widget in our project. But after implementing the widget, we get the following error if we try to type something in the search field:...
View ArticleCreating excel importer templates in ASU
Using an older version 6.10.5, creating an excel importer template using model reflection works and can be done in the ASU.However, using 7.5.1 I am running in to an after-build...
View ArticleMendix Modeler Default to Run in Cloud when Opened
I'm using Modeler 7.5.1 for a new project and every time I open the Modeler it resets to 'Run (in the Cloud)'.This would not be a problem except for the fact that it auto-commits all my changes before...
View ArticleAn error has occurred while handling the request
Hi All, I am getting default popup with title :"Error" and data as "An error has occurred while handling the request" when ever i am not getting response from the server. Is there any way to edit this...
View ArticleFeedback widget not visible anymore
Our feedback widget isn't visible anymore in our mendix app. We only have one homeform and I'm absolutely sure the feedback widget is placed in this form. We've set as...
View ArticleAnnoying change in permissions behavior between Mx6 and Mx7
I've come across an annoying change in behavior regarding how permissions are handled between Mendix v6 and v7. First, a bit of background - this is a multi-tenant application where data is segmented...
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