Get Language retrieving Null for anonymous users
I'm currently having some errors in my log with anonymous users accessing my application. When these errors occur the anonymous users receive a login page. However this error doesn't seem to be...
View ArticleInstall a module from App Store using SDK
Hi All, Is that possible? If not what is the workaround to do it? I need on first opening of an app that is created using Mendix SDK, some module to be installed for example 'Rest Services'. I don't...
View ArticlePress carriage return to run a microflow
The Mendix application login screen allows you to press the carriage return key to login. You don't have to press the 'Sign In' button. Is there a widget that will allow us to do the same on a page?
View ArticleURLRedirector keeps triggering
I have a URLRedirector in a data view. The data view listens to a data grid above. The data grid contains a column with the url link. I believe this was working fine before but recently when clicking...
View ArticleUnable to give Email Settings
I have installed the following modules: Email Template Module Encryption Module MxModelReflection Module then I tried setting the email settings using the default Gmail smtp server settings but it is...
View ArticleReference selector visibility condition
I have this model : a service belongs to one domain In the page NewEdit where the service is created I want to show a reference selector dropdown with the attribute 'TitleNL' for a user with language...
View ArticleMulti tenant administration layout and placeholder errors
After adding the Multi tenant administration module to a new project created with Mx 7.9 there are 20 errors all related to placeholders and layouts that no longer exist. How should we go about...
View ArticleEmail security access issue
I am trying to setup email in mendix modeler 7.5.1, right now in my app i have 3 roles and i have given access to Admin role access to all the microflows,page of email,encryption, mx modules but when...
View ArticleHow to attach a user to a Project Entity
Hello, I want to create a property in my entity (or at least a reference) to the "Project Owner" This is the person that is in charge of the project internally. I only want a user from the system to...
View ArticleDownload a pdf file on the mobile
Hi, I am using linkButton to open a pdf file in the browser. For example "https://shXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX00Asm.pdf". Problem is on the mobile the link is opening the pdf file on the app browser...
View ArticleHow to create a Email Template with tokens
I could create an email template and it works. But now i want to create email template with placeholders which i can replace while sending email, is there a link which gives step by step how to achieve...
View ArticleHandling a JSON Array as REST response
Hello, I have difficulties at handling a Rest response which consists of an Array of Json objects. My import mapping looks like this: I use these settings in my microflow. I also tried storing the...
View ArticleGET query JSON
Hi, I tried to do a database query (source: via a Get REST action. Getting all entries or limit them by '?max=2' works fine, but when I try to add a specifiy query in JSON style I get...
View ArticleI am trying to create a notification system feature which will be able to...
This is the image. whenever the user selects faculty or administrator only he should be able to view the information, not the other roles. i have 3 user for this Faculty,Admin,Student
View ArticleDisplaying entity objects associated to another entity
Hi, I'm trying to create a job portal. Below are the job and application entities: In the list of all jobs page, I have created a button, clicking which should display the list of all applications...
View ArticleMendix show data from 3 tables on the screen
So far when i want to show data from more than 1 entities, i am using data view for one entity and giving two buttons in which i open a pop up to show other entity data. For example i have 3 entities...
View ArticlePDF Tron issue on Android devices
Hello, I am working on a Hybrid app for Android. After deeper testing I noticed that from some reason PDF tron doesn't work. I can open PDF file but if I want to change PDF file (for example, user want...
View ArticleHow can i create a branch line in On-premises environment?
Hi, I 'm creating an application in On-premises environment. I would like to create branch line, but the 'New' button in 'Branch Line Manager' is unenabled. Does anyone know how can i create a branch...
View ArticleWhen I search for my application in Bing or Google, I get " - Mendix" in the...
When I search for my application in Bing or Google, I get " - Mendix" in the search results. How can I remove "- Mendix" from the search results of my application? I already searched in all the files...
View ArticleJavaScript get GUID of dataview
I know you can use dijit.byNode(dojo.query(".mx-name-grid1")[0])._dataSource._pageObjs; to get at the guids of the objects in a datagrid. How can you do the same for a dataview? Thankyou very much
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