Can I run 2 separate apps on same host using same Mendix installation and...
Can I run 2 separate apps on same host using same Mendix installation and same license?
View ArticleHow do I determine if a Micreflow is running in the background?
I have a microflow that runs both in the foreground and is also called by a flow that is in the background. I need to make a decision based on if the flow is in the background or foregound. Is there a...
View ArticleIs SNMP Monitoring possible in the Mendix Cloud?
Hi!Our client requires monitoring of several Mendix applications in their IT landscape that are hosted in the Mendix Cloud v3. The monitoring consists of performing health checks, measuring CPU/RAM...
View ArticleCSS to Differentiate type of message(Information,Warning and Error)
Hi Team, Can anyone please suggest me, is there any way to change css for mendix show message activity functionality?Right now its showing same color for all kind of messages.Expected Blue for...
View ArticleUnexpected appliation crash - Java Heap space error with no users logged in...
Our application crashed this morning (around 8 ) but I can't seem to figure out why. The logs do not show much, no users where logged in and there are currently no scheduled events in the application....
View ArticleServer settings for cloud foundry deployment
I am trying to deploy my application to cloudfoundry. I have bound a mysql service instance, and set the DATABASE_URL,DEVELOPEMENT_MODE and ADMIN_PASSWORD.The 'Run on Cloud foundry' ends up with the...
View ArticleCloud foundry app start fails
I have pushed my app to cloud foundry and provided proper Database url in the following format 'mysql://username:password@ip:port/dbName'. Service connection is established but i get the following...
View ArticleHow to transposee (columns -> rows, rows -> columns) excel export from the...
Hi guys, After some problems with the java stuff i succeeded to install the excel exporter. Now my output excel template is okay, BUT I want to transpose the template. This means that the 5 columns i...
View ArticleAre App Services secure?
Using Webservices we have the ability to define custom authentication schemes like Kerberos.App services on the other hand only has username/password authentication. Is this secure enough and how would...
View ArticleHow to: Use a microflow to export entity data into a text file and send via ftp
Wondering if someone could point me in the right direction for creating a txt file that will be sent via SFTP to a server.Our goal is to use a microflow that will take the data from an entity and...
View ArticleIssue when changing the font color of texts in Chart JS?
Hi all, I want to change the the color of the font (title, texts at the x and y axis) and when looking in the widget in the barchart.css I see that it is the same color as the color of gridlines. When...
View ArticleEmail template module throwing error Ids should not be null
After a migration from Mx4 to Mx6 we also updated the E-mail module with templates. I now have regurlaly the stack trace below in my log.I wonder how this error can be thrown. As far as I can tell from...
View ArticleStructure my test scripts
Hello all, I have created a lot different test script for our app, so much I am having trouble keeping them seperated. So I want to structure my tests in ATS, what is the best way to do this?
View ArticleWhat the heck "runtime.start() should not throw anything other than...
Hi guys Like you , I don't like too have errors preweekend, but this one is totally unknown to me. It became visible after a commit with domain model and mf changes....and I didnt do anything...
View ArticleHow do I use { character in label text?
I want to use{foo}in a label text on a screen.However, if I do this, I get an error saying a brace should be followed by another brace or by a number.So how do I escape { in label text?
View ArticleShareable link widget
Hi all,I wanted a shareable link widget very similar to the one in forum on right hand side bar. I am guessing the link was generated using the deeplink module and the widget button might have some...
View ArticleOpen a tab inside a page with a action button
Hey everyone! If got the following setup.A action button that shows a page when clicked on. the page has 3 tabs "own" "other" and "request"The page opens in the "own" tab when I click on the action...
View ArticleWidget Not working: Jira Issue Collector
Hi Team, I am trying to used Jira Issue collector widget in our project built in 6.7.1 but its not working.unable to see any button related to feedback on screen.any pointers would be appreciated....
View ArticleChange Dateformat
Hi,Although I have changed the default language date format of Project to dd.MM.yyyy from Project settings, it still displays the dates as MM/dd/yyyy. How can I change this? Thanks in advance, Best...
View ArticleIs an import mapping when calling webservices required from Mendix version...
Hello,When calling a webservice in Mendix I often find myself in situations where I don't want to do anything with the response the webservice gives me. In Mx version 6.9 I could just have no import...
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