When moving to 7.5.1 we actualized several things from the AppStore, amongst those the CommunityCommons (invaluable, needed) and the Excelimporter.
Whilst the modeler shows no more errors, when trying to run locally I get these:
[javac] Compiling 371 source files to C:\Mendix\AVT + LAP-Conversie567\deployment\run\bin
[javac] C:\Mendix\AVT + LAP-Conversie567\javasource\communitycommons\Misc.java:660: error: unreported exception COSVisitorException; must be caught or declared to be thrown
[javac] overlay.overlay(new HashMap<Integer, String>()).save(baos);
[javac] ^
[javac] C:\Mendix\AVT + LAP-Conversie567\javasource\excelimporter\reader\readers\ExcelReader.java:127: error: incompatible types: try-with-resources not applicable to variable type
[javac] POIFSFileSystem poifs = new POIFSFileSystem(content);
[javac] ^
[javac] (POIFSFileSystem cannot be converted to AutoCloseable)
[javac] C:\Mendix\AVT + LAP-Conversie567\javasource\excelimporter\reader\readers\ExcelReader.java:184: error: incompatible types: try-with-resources not applicable to variable type