How to move data from production databaseto test database?
Hi all,I’m trying to transfer the data from the production database into the Test database. Is there an easy way to do this through Mendix? Please let me know how can I approch this.Thanks in advance....
View ArticleHTTP Connection Pool
Does anyone know if there is a way to modify the http connection pool settings (not the database connection pool) in the Cloud environment? It seems to be set to 50, and to not clear the idle...
View Articlehow can i see a saved data assigned for that particular user
guys i have created a job form in which i have 2 roles category pm1 and pm 2, and when i filled the form and check for a role pm1 and another job for pm2, after that when i logged in with pm1 the all...
View ArticleDeprecated FLOAT message persist to 7 because the CreatePDF function still...
We are in the proces of moving our Apps to version 7. When trying to resolve deprecations (float --> decimal) I run into the problem of needing to use float to pass margin data to the CreatePDF...
View ArticleJava compile problems with up-to-date AppStore modules ??
When moving to 7.5.1 we actualized several things from the AppStore, amongst those the CommunityCommons (invaluable, needed) and the Excelimporter. Whilst the modeler shows no more errors, when trying...
View ArticleDoes Mendix support Bluetooth functionality?
Hi everyone,I am planning to use Mendix for developing my app, which needs Bluetooth connectivity. Does Mendix support Bluetooth connectivity? I went through few docs but failed to find anything...
View Articlehow to assign a class name to a created text field in mendix?
I have created one text field where I have to assign a class name for it, when I am double clicking on text field in modular its showing me a dialogue box, there we have class option. If I am giving...
View ArticleSimulate concurrent users (load test)
Hello,In my app I have a few pages that updates frequently and I'm concerned that it will not be able to handle 100+ concurrent users. Is there any tool that can simulate concurrent users?It can be...
View ArticleHow to compare attribue having DateTime format with some particular date?
I have a attribute name dueDate in domainModel and I want to compare its value with some default date in condition for visibility based on expressionsFor example - $currentObj/dueDate = '2017-08-03'.I...
View ArticleScheduled Event not triggered anymore.
In one of our applications we use a Scheduled Event to retrieve email messages. This event uses the IMAP_POP3_email module. The event should be triggered every 10 seconds.Once in a while the Scheduled...
View ArticleRestServices - basic authentication header not included in post
I'm trying to implement basic http authentication using the RestServices module.I've used an addCredentialsToNextRequest action and set the username and password. The next action is the post...
View Articleformat widget - leading zero padding
Hello,I'm trying to format the output of an integer with leading zeros but I'm not sure how to do this.Could you tell me the best way to do this please? ThanksAdrian
View ArticleHow can I programatically retrieve the name of an Object over active...
Hi guys I am wondering whether I can retrieve the active objects over the associations from an Object. For example:ShoppingCart object could have many associations to many different Products which are...
View ArticlePOST call base64 value is too large for an unlimited string in a JSON payload...
Hi guys I have published a post-REST services and receive the pdf as base64 value in an unlimited string attribute of a non-persistent object (as discussed in another forum post).When sending a small...
View ArticleHow to get UTC timestamps from OQL
I'm getting some timestamps using OQL, which returns a pretty nasty format: "Mon Dec 04 09:00:00 CET 2017"However, that's not the biggest problem. The problem is that it will always be in server time,...
View ArticleUnzip an file and store the files and folders to disk
Hello, I would like to unzip a file, which I import in the application. I want to unzip the file and store the files and folders to the disk. How do I create a java action for the same? Kindly advice....
View ArticleWidget update problem with microflow datasource in gridview (TreeView and...
Hi all,I've recently encountered a strange behaviour in custom widgets using a datasource microflow. The short version: When an action triggers a refresh, the widget displays the value that should have...
View ArticlePublish WebService on Mendix Cloud
Hi,Is there clear documentation on publishing a webservice on Mendix Cloud? It seems that the documentation in the reference guide works on publishing locally, but once it is on the cloud, /ws-doc/ is...
View ArticleNeed for SSO from mendix app to Windows services (IIS based). to...
Need for SSO from mendix app to Windows services (IIS based). to make windows authenticated user of mendix app login to the external Windows service?
View ArticlePages opens at bottom
I have a page that has a double nested listview and then a templategrid (all nested). Everytime the page loads it opens and then scrolls to the bottom. I can't figure out what's going on with it....
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