Error downloading from themecreator
I just submitted this as a support request, but thought I would ask here as well. I am experimenting with the themecreator at and when I try to download the theme get the error message...
View ArticleHow to find an account with exact the same user roles?
When delegating a task I want to show the user a dropdown list with all the users who have the exact same roles as the current user. Because delegating a task to a user with a different set of roles...
View ArticleCase insensitive in XPath constraint
Hi guys n gals,I'm looking for a way to make my XPath constraint case insensitive.My client can search for addresses, and I do a database lookup based on that search criteria. However, my database...
View ArticleFind Widgets with Mendix Model SDK
Hi everyone, my question is how i can get all Widgets, which are used on a specific page in Mendix Model SDK 4.x? Thanks for your answers. greetings Jochen
View ArticleCommunity commons GetApplicationUrl with OnPremis installation
We noticed in an on premise installation that the GetApplicationUrl returns null. What could be the reason for this? Any setting in the on premis that need to be changed? Regards, Ronald
View ArticleTrigger Validations in Custom Widget from Microflow
Hello Developers, Currently working on creating some custom widget. I am wondering how can i trigger custom validations (e.g. : required or email) to child controls in custom widget. Note i want to...
View ArticleHow to translate the validation feedback for anonymous users
Hi, In our project the anonymous user is able to set the language to English and Dutch. The system language is English. On the 'anonymous pages' the labels, the texts, the inputs, etc. are all...
View ArticleError (missing binding) when consuming webservice
I tried to import a WSDL provided by our customer (as shown below), and got binding errors. Unsupported operation 'OpvoerenFactuur': Missing SOAP operation binding. Unsupported operation...
View ArticleInput Mask - Static Character
Hello, I hope some one could help, I want to keep the 971 as a static (pre-defined) character in the input mask. I know 9 is the masking character but is there any way to make it pre-defined character?...
View ArticleIssue with Java Compile
For some or other reason my app refuses to deploy to cloud after some calendar widget development. I have reinstalled community commons as well as revered back to previous committed version Issue...
View ArticleLeft or right hand side of binary expression cannot be empty
Product entity with attribute name called value (float/decimal) throws to evaluate expression. I made a separate check for not empty and in debug object is there. But ended up with below. Please share...
View ArticleShow more button on data grid
Hi, I'm busy with building a data grid, but I want a data grid who shows the first 3 objects. If you have more than 3 objects you can press the "show more" button at the bottum of the grid. Can...
View ArticleAn error has occurred while handling the request
Hi All, I am getting default popup with title :"Error" and data as "An error has occurred while handling the request" when ever i am not getting response from the server. Is there any way to edit...
View ArticleSetting to AndroidManifest.xml
Hi, I want to define a "" to AndroidManifest.xml. How can I realize it?
View ArticleRun Time error while starting application - An error has occurred while...
I have created a new app in mendix modeler 5.3.1 and getting the below error during runtime. An error has occurred while handling the request. [User 'Anonymous_0f463c83-e764-4d2c-a0f0-4256dbb4fd90'...
View ArticleMendix, Blockchain and smart contracts
I'm trying to integrate some use cases of Blockchain into Mendix. Who els is experimenting with blockchain and Mendix? I'm searching for interesting API's and tools which I can connect to Mendix that...
View ArticleUse a Rest service or a Web service?
Hi, I have created a PHP page where I can insert text into some inputfields and I wanted to send these data to my Mendix app to create a object with this data. What is the best way to do this? I have...
View ArticleGoogle Maps Widget breaks when switching between web modeler and 7.6.0
When using the Maps Widget (latest version) in the web modeler for the HRM tutorial, it works as it should. However when switching to the desktop modeler, it breaks and shows the error as seen in the...
View ArticleDropzone widget 3.1.0 - delete image
Hi, I am currently working on upgrading an application and had to implement a new version of the dropzone widget. I upgraded the widget to version 3.1.0. and I am working in Mendix 6.10.6. In...
View ArticleMoving from modeler 5.21.0 to 6.0.1
What error's I supposed to get when I will move from Version/Modeler 5.21.0 to 6.0.1 and how to solve that error?
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