Can we import Excel to Mendix when developing a system?
Can we import Excel to Mendix when developing a system and how can we add it to database?
View ArticleQuestion about system domain model and our domain model: how to add new case...
Hi all, We are a development team and now we are working on a project to develop a software for students, faculty and administrator to apply, post, check and approve student job applications....
View ArticleJVM Parameter -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts does not seem to work
Hi there, Does anyone use JVM Parameter "nonProxyHosts "? I am trying to configure JVM Parameter as follows. -Dhttp.proxyHost=hostname -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080...
View Article'Datagrid extension without context is show some error on the browser
Hi, I'm trying to use datagrid extension in version 7.6.0., to move the columns. I have changed flex header option to true. It is showing the following error. error in create widget:TypeError:...
View ArticleConverting from Mx4 to Mx5
I am trying to convert a project from MX4 version 4.8.11 to Mx5. I have tried 5.1.1, 5.21.2, 5.21.5, 5.21.6 and 5.21.8 but in all cases the conversion wizard will not appear and I just get a popup...
View ArticleLog message error
Hi all, I recently updaten my application from modeller 6.10.2 to 7.5.1 When I tried to run my application as usual and work with it I encountered the following error message. Does someone know if...
View ArticlePlaceholder Text DateTime not shown?
I'm trying to show a placeholder text when a datetime field is empty, but on the frontend it's not displaying (Chrome). The dateTime field is inside a dataview with Editable "Yes" and read-only style...
View ArticleGetting Error package com.mendix.util.classloading does not exist
Getting below error while creating deployment package . package com.mendix.util.classloading does not exist
View ArticleCannot start mendix on windows ; Loading stops at Resetting pool with number X
restarted server ; cleared temp files ; cleared logs. Please assist. thanks.
View ArticleRecpatcha compatible with version 7
Hi, Are there any widgets compatible with version 7?
View ArticleExecuting a stored procedure in DB connector returns -1?
Hi I am using the Db conenctor to execute a store procedure to a SQL server. When executing the same stuff on the server I see that the affected rows are 0, so i expect 0 when doing the same...
View ArticleExport to XML Error Handling
I am building an integration via Export to XML that is then transmitted to an external system via a REST Call. From time to time, the Export to XML action generates an error. I would like to offer the...
View ArticleUsage of 'Excel Importer' and 'Database Replication' apps from Appstore :
Hello, I'm newbie in Mendix, just finished the Rapid developer Path. I'm now looking for the ways to import and synchronize external data (both Excel Files and As400 DB2 files) in a Mendix...
View ArticleHow to translate the validation feedback for anonymous users
Hi, In our project the anonymous user is able to set the language to English and Dutch. The system language is English. On the 'anonymous pages' the labels, the texts, the inputs, etc. are all...
View ArticleUsing DateTime on the X axis of a ChartsJS LineChart
Newbie here, so please bear with me. I'm currently trying to plot an animal's weight over time in a linechart. To do so, I've been trying to get the date of the weight measurement on the X axis. The...
View ArticleUploading image failed with error code undefined
Hi, We updated application to Mendix 7.8.0 version. Through the testing we noticed some issues. One of them is a Phonegap Camera widget. The problem occurs when I want make or upload an image from the...
View ArticleCommunityCommons - executeMicroflowInBackground
Hi, I have made a microflow that given a list of users sends email to them. In order to not let the user issuing the list wait I would like to use a function that performs the sending of emails in the...
View ArticleBootstrap Multi Select widget
I have used Bootstrap Multi Select widget for multi-select dropdown purpose. I couldn't find out a proper documentation which will tell the complete implementation procedure. Can anyone guide me with...
View ArticleCan we import Excel to Mendix when developing a system?
Can we import Excel to Mendix when developing a system and how can we add it to database?
View ArticleEnumeration search?
How do I create it so that when users typ into a line it will automatically suggest names listed in my chosen enumeration? Example User typs in: "Jo" Line shows suggestions: Johanson Jon Doe Johanna Jo...
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