How to get WorkingCopy of an existing App?
Hi, I am playing with Mendix Model SDK, but cant's get past a seemingly a simple thing: how to get a WorkingCopy of an existing App? (Mendix documentation shows how to get a WorkingCopy of an App...
View ArticleTable vs Layout grid
Hey, When would you use a table? Aren't (responsive) layout grids always handier? Regards, Joris
View ArticleProblems with log in after upgrade to 6.10.4
Today we had to deploy a quickfix to a production environment caused by an error that was solved by Mendix in version 6.10.3 (Tickets 38219, 47089) We migrated form a 6.10.2. version to a 6.10.4....
View ArticleLimit to number of values in search drop down?
I'm using drop down search fields in the datagrid and it appears that not all available values are being listed. Is there a max to these fields or a way to change the number of values allowed?
View ArticleHow to get the top-x elements of at list
The only way I can imagine to get the top-x elements out of a list of elements that is in memory, is by looping over the list. See my microflow:...
View ArticleConstrain Datagrid to display single object
I need to export an object’s attribute values (and some associated values) and the “Export to Excel” on a datagrid works just fine once the list of objects has been “Searched” down to the one of...
View ArticleException "no read only change hash found"
We are seeing the following error: I see that this was related to entity access involving Xpath constraints and was addressed in 7.1.x. We are using 7.5.1 and this does involve Xpath constraint, so...
View ArticleCorrect way to implement master detail editing
Hi, I am trying to find the correct way to create something like an order entry with orderlines. I want to be able to create the complete order before submitting it to the database. In short: Case 1...
View ArticleContinuous deployment for Mendix applications, using Jenkins in windows
Can anyone suggest me on how to handle continuous deployment for Mendix applications, using Jenkins in windows ?
View ArticleHow to open a native iOS calendar from Mx app?
Hi guys I am wondring how I can open the native iOS calendar from a microflow or another Mx app (from within MxApp). I see that there are some plugins available making this possible...
View ArticleHybrid app navigation switches from Hybrid phone app online to Phone browser
Hi, I have developed an app which utilizes OAuth module for both web browser and mobile hybrid app. For the hybrid app, I have used an implementation based on my previous forum post:...
View ArticleHow to include external javascript libraries?
What is the best way to include different javascript libraries?
View ArticleFreezing page content with javascript
Hi guys, I was implementing functionality in which I need to use widget 'Geolocation for PhoneGap'. I need to implement functionality which is triggered when I click on this widget and it's connected...
View ArticleMendix version of Object Oriented programming: Child overwrites behaviour of...
In OO programming this scenario of object and behaviour inheritence is quite common: Animal -> make sound -> dog -> make sound -> bark -> cat -> make sound -> miauw ->...
View ArticleDefault chart types - input requested
Hi all, Last week we released a first version of Charts (in Beta) in the AppStore which allows to you to quickly create beautiful charts. To make you life easier we would like to offer a nice default...
View Article503.499 Post requests in a day
In one of our applications we have 503.499 requests in a day of the following type. We have an application with less than 50 users. Does anyone know what this could mean? 2017-12-03T23:29:47.03+0000...
View ArticleMulti tab single page application
I am in the situation where our application needs multiple tabs each working independent of the others. The main menu should open a new tab and display its contents, for example a list of customers...
View ArticleAtlas UI: Make that footer stick
Hi, I hit a small issue with the new Atlas UI responsive layouts. These have the feedback snippet in the same area as the Main placeholder. Because of this, the dataview footer will not stick to the...
View ArticleExcel exporter generic kolom data type
Suppose I want to export all questions with the corresponding anwser from this model to excel: Sample of the desired output in excel : Every answer should be exported with its correct data type : text...
View ArticleMJOB - Meer Jaren Onderhoudbegroting in Mendix
For a groep of flat owners (VvE) I am developing an simple App to setup and recalculate the financial forecast. Data in Mendix, reporting through Odata in Excel, BI-power-tools. Anyone interested to...
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