Custon SOAP header and body
We are trying to communicate with a webservice that needs it's communication is a specific way. The message should look like this: ...... .... ..... So I used the custom header and body option which...
View ArticleWIll the Mx 7 removal of sign-in microflow impact after SAML after sign-in...
While planning our upgrade to Mx 7 I read in the documentation of the removal of the sign-in microflow. I read in Herbert's post ( that there is now a...
View ArticleSAML Module with Mx 7.1
Has anyone been able to run the SAML module with 7.1? I've downloaded the lastest version of the module (1.9) and I'm able to complete the configuration, but when trying to start the application, I...
View ArticleAtlasUI - Internet Explorer 11 and DropDowns
Hi all, I just noticed, that the fancy styling of Dropdowns from AtlasUI (and probably also before) don't work together with Internet Explorer (11). IE: Chrome: The Screenshots are made from...
View ArticleAddresslookup API
Hi I am new to Mendix. I am trying to use Address Lookup API to search some valid US addresses. Anyone how do I configure it to be able to search USA addresses? Thanks Ping
View ArticlePhonegap local build from scratch
Hi, I’ve installed Phonegap locally on my PC and I’ve created a Phonegap project, set up a condig.xml and created a config folder and I’ve set in a property file with an url property pointing to the...
View ArticleDatagrid connector options and errors
Hey, I'm trying to debug some unexpected (and unwanted ;)) delete behaviour in my app (i.e. not deleting what I want to delete), which, I'm relatively sure :), has to do with the validation rules of...
View ArticleStatusbar on iOS not visible
On the iOS simulator and on native devices we are not able to remove the statusbar of iOS to overlay with the app and change the style and background color of the statusbar. Right now we added the...
View Articlerun a project in IntelliJ
As a Java developer I use Intellij instead of eclipse. I managed to import the eclipse project and configure the run configuration - added these jars to the classpath - run java application...
View ArticleSmart Watch / Fitness Tracker integration for Mobile apps.
Hello folks, I am trying to find information about how to connect a Mendix app to a Smart Watch / Fitness Tracker (to be able to record steps etc.) but am failing to find anything on this... Can anyone...
View ArticleGoogle Charts
I'm using google charts on my reports and i can't remove the decimal on the vertical axis, and the decimals shows when the bar chart data is two and below
View ArticleModeler: Open Domain Models in new window.
Is there a way to open Domain Models in a new window ('outside' the current Modeler window)? I am finding myself often wanting to be able to refer to a Domino Model while doing something else in the...
View ArticleConnector has less association options than 'Select Data Source - Association'
The latter also shows many to many associations, even with ownership on the other entity. How can this difference be explained?
View ArticleHow to use Label selector
Am new to Mendix. Can anyone guide me with the steps on how to use Label Selector widget right from creating entities.
View ArticleMendix Upgrade from 5.15.1 to 6.10.3
Hi, I am in a process of migrating my project from Mendix 5.15.1 to Mendix 6.10.3. I was using a web service in 5.15 and same is being used in 6.10 also. But I am not able to capture the data coming in...
View ArticleUnable to finish rapid developer exam
As of a few days already and still going on, i keep getting an error when i'm ready to submit my answers in the rapid developer certificate exam. As for the validation errors have no idea either since...
View ArticleVersion of TortoiseSVN for recent Modelers (7.7.1+)?
Should we still be using TortoiseSVN 1.7.x, or can I go to the latest (1.9.7) . . . With Modeler 7.7.1 and upwards? Thanks.
View ArticleExtremely Slow Development in Mendix Modeler v7.8.0
Hi, I am working in Mendix modeler v7.8.0 and the development is extremely slow. Adding a simple label is taking more than 45 seconds. Could you please help me with it? What I have tried so far is as...
View ArticleHow to Upload a pdf or word file?
What is the best way to have a button that will allow the user to upload a pdf or word file on a particular page?
View ArticleMicroflow for loop instead of Iterator
I have a field on screen in which if a user enters 2 then two records should be inserted in the table if user enters 1 then only one record. I have thought of checking the field in microflow and...
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