Generating xml payload with out export mapping
Hi, I want to generate xml payload without export mapping. since the schema i am using dosen't support by Mendix Could you help me on it. Thanks Raghava
View ArticleHow to attach a user to a Project Entity
Hello, I want to create a property in my entity (or at least a reference) to the "Project Owner" This is the person that is in charge of the project internally. I only want a user from the system to...
View ArticleHow can i create a branch line in On-premises environment?
Hi, I 'm creating an application in On-premises environment. I would like to create branch line, but the 'New' button in 'Branch Line Manager' is disabled. Does anyone know how can i create a branch...
View ArticleCustom Widget Modeler Error
Hi, I just used yeomen way to generate a boiler plate widget and integrate with modeler. Got below error when i ran application using modeler. How to resolve the errors?
View ArticleHow to add Image from External Site?
Hi, I'm having a scenario, were we need to add images coming from external sites (http:///.png) into our mendix application. Can anyone please suggest me the best way? Regards, Harish
View ArticleUnqueued actions are not processed by the PQ
Hi guys I have some logic which procudes in a few minuts around 2k queued actions which are after create (commit) directly appened to the queue (with association to contextobject). I see that also some...
View Articleupgrading from 6.10 2.2
When I upgrade my app to 7.2 at some stage the modeller needs to upgrade the database: CREATE TABLE "mendixsystem$unique_constraint" ( "name" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "table_id" varchar(36) NOT...
View ArticleProcess Queue - ProcessQueue.QueuedAction does not exist anymore
Hi all, I'm currently having some problems, getting the Process Queue module running. When I try to queue a QueuedAction I get: Object of type 'ProcessQueue.QueuedAction' with guid '2251799813685352'...
View ArticleExplore the User Stories Excel File 3.8
Hello, I am trying to find the User Stories Excel File to follow up with the rapid developer course and I can't find the file. Could someone send a link, please?
View ArticleMendix runtime library problems (org.postgresql.postgresql.42.1.4.jar file)
Hey guys, It's quite possible that someone will run into the same problem I had, and that is an error in console, goes into the deployment/logs/m2ee_log.txt: nov 14, 2017 11:58:16 AM...
View ArticleUnknown SOAP Fault Error
We have build a new published web service in production environment in Mendix 4.7.2 : We are using a custom authentication in the header of this web service to make the sessioncurrent user is the...
View ArticleCloud Foundry Deployment - Database already exists error
Am trying to deploy my app in cloud foundry and bind mysql service to that. But when I try to start / run my app in cloud foundry, it throws the below error. Am I missing out something ? [ERR] ERROR:...
View ArticleDatabase credential encryption.
Dear Forum, Is there any way to encrypt database connectivity credential in mendix to hide database connection transparency?
View ArticleCall REST (POST) Output Variable is a List type. How do I make it an Object...
I'm trying to retrieve a REST object into entity, but the output is a List. How do I make the change the output of the REST Call to be an Object instead of a List?
View ArticleRunning Locally - Issue
When i click on " Run Locally" on mendix 6.9.0 , it throws me an error with no information in it
View ArticleParameters for system texts
When a user deletes an item I'd like to display a more detailed message of what is being deleted in the confirmation box. For example, if the datagrid contains Departments and the user selects the...
View Articleis it possible to encrypt the database credential in m2ee.yaml file
Dear Forum members, We are setting up an on-premise linux deployment and would like to know if there is any way to encrypt the database credentials in m2ee.yaml file. Appreciate your inputs. Regards...
View ArticleParsing out string into multiple strings based on spaces
I'd like to break a large string into multiple strings for each word that is contained in the string. Each word is seperated by a a space so I figure that's the best way to identify them. What would be...
View ArticleWhich organisations do supply Address information based on Postalcode &...
Hi, I am building an AppStore module for gathering "Address information services" based on Postalcode & Housenumber for as much countries as I can find. So far: The Netherlands: BAG & PDOK,...
View ArticleCall a Microflow from javascript
As it's currently not possible to directly pass a string parameter value from javascript to a Microflow, I would like to achieve my goal using a different approach. The idea is to create a...
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