Custom login page isn't being used
Hi, according to this documentation page, we can set up a custom login page for anonymous users attempting to access a resource...
View ArticleMendixIdentifier cannot be cast to java.lang.String after upgrade 7.7.1 to 7.8
I found an issue in a datagrid that contains a calculated field on a reference. But it is not happening for every calculated field. Does anybody has an idea how to avoid this issue in Mendix 7.8.0,...
View ArticleCall a Microflow from javascript with either string as parameter or image...
Is it possible to directly pass a string parameter value from javascript to a Microflow? If yes, can you please guide. I tried as below but didn't work. The microflow is triggered, but the parameter...
View ArticleOut of memory when fetching files in batches
When fetching 10.000 files from a database using the database connector, I am trying to commit files in batches of 10 files (1 MB per 10 files). Even if I end and start the transaction each 100 files,...
View ArticleData Grid Appearance - Wrap Text
Hi I have a data grid with large strings in it. Currently these do not fit the column and i have to hover over them to see all the text. Is there a way to use CSS to wrap this?
View ArticleAndroid push notifications not working - reason GCM disabled
Hi all, I am trying to configure push notifications on my project and after getting everything configured, I go to the Pending Messages tab on the Administration page, and all the messages fail with...
View ArticleCall remote css file from widget.js
Hi team, I'm looking to add a css file sitting on a remote server to the widget I'm building. Are there any examples out in the wild that show a simple call out from the widget.js or another way one...
View ArticleCustomize positioning of the boolean slider widget
One of our primary pages in a mobile view displays groups of information about products we offer and products our customers own. I am using the slider to display a set of items if true and a set if...
View ArticleBarcode/QR Code and OCR scanning
We built a page for customers using our app to be able to scan their product model number by barcode, QR code or by OCR. In testing I've found our setup to be inefficient. The QR and barcode scanner...
View ArticleFATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "postgres" Retrying...(1/4)
Hi All, I am trying to set up a onsite deployment of Mendix on Redhat. when starting the runtime we run into the following postgreSQL error.... any thoughts on what could cause this error?...
View ArticleURLRedirector keeps triggering
I have a URLRedirector in a data view. The data view listens to a data grid above. The data grid contains a column with the url link. I believe this was working fine before but recently when clicking...
View ArticleRest API Response body in Rest client(like postman, restclient)
Hi, I have created a GET Rest API using RestService Module in Mendix and I am trying to call this API from POSTMAN. I have used seriliazeObjectToJson from RestService Module but response is not coming...
View ArticleAccess page and page properties in Java action
Hello, I would like to access page and it's properties in the Java action. I need to read Url property of the configured page. Is there a possibility do do it in Mendix? Thank you in advance, Petro...
View Articlefocus on first validation error
I have a form page with multiple 17 input fields with validation, all vertical aligned. At the bottom of the page is a next button. Most of the fields have validation. If the first field is invalid and...
View ArticleSAML module with uncaught fatal error on starting the app
Hi guys, I am setting up SAML 2.0 on a client's app which is running agains Ping Fed, but even before I get setup anything I get the stack trace below. I have tried a test project where I only have Mx...
View ArticleSSO error on 7.9
Hi guys, I am trying to get SSO running using the SAML module on my 7.9 project, but I am experiencing some weird behavior. In 7.7.1 everything was working fine, a convert to 7.9 makes it break down....
View ArticleBootstrap Multiselect widget
I have a dropdown which uses bootstrap multiselect widget taken from the app store. On loading the page, I want all the dropdown items should be selected. Is there any way we can do that?
View ArticleGrid refresh after Excel import
I have a grid showing the lines that are imported from an Excel document. With an Action button on this page I perform the Excel import. In order to show the newly imported lines I call a 'Show page'...
View ArticleDocument viewer
I have implemented document viewer in Mendix v6.10.3. I can view the pdf files properly. But getting "Invalid or corrupted PDF file." error for .xlsx files. Any clues to overcome this?
View ArticleSSO getting error when users are logging in.
I'm migrating from a UAT environment to a Production environment. The users are able to log in just fine using SSO in UAT. I've imported the new IDP file from the SSO provider into the Prod environment...
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